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CarinaTseYee's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of CarinaTseYee's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Where did you find the research ? How do you know that this research is true ? Yes , homework is one of them . However , some teens does not like to be nag at and rather do it on their own accord .

1 point

Some decisions cannot be categorised into good or bad . It depends on the situation , one's personality and whether does the decision made is suitable for them .

1 point

What do you mean by ''knowing best about us'' ? Parents may not really understand what we really want even though they know what's best for us .

1 point

Parents may pressure teenagers too much because of their results that did not meet their expectations , making teenagers more stressed out . For an instance , a friend of mine was too stressed out due to her parent's high expectation which she did not met . She even did not had time to talk to me because most of the time she was studying .

1 point

Parents maybe forcing teenagers to take certain paths in life which they are not interested in . For example , their careers that their parents have already planned for them while they have their own mindset of thinking of another career .

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